The first menstruation is usually the moment awaited daughter, as a sign she has entered adolescence. But, what if menstruation does not come to Mother's child? Let's find out the causes and solutions.
Girls generally will experience their first menstruation at the age of 10-15 years. Accompanying the first menstruation usually girls will also experience signs of puberty, such as growing breasts or fine hair around the vagina first.
Factors Causing Late Menstruation First
Late menstruation in girls can usually be caused by several factors, including:Excessive stress
One factor that can cause delays in first menstruation is stress. Stress experienced during puberty is usually caused by homework (PR), family problems or disputes with peers.
Overweight or underweight
Let's try to check your child's weight. Underweight or excessive weight can affect fertility hormones. Therefore it is important to maintain weight.
Another thing that is not less influential is heredity. Take a look at the experience of Mother or other family members, at what age they experienced their first menstruation. If you have a delay in your first menstrual period, this could also happen to your daughter. Hereditary factors can also affect girls who experience different puberty.
Excessive exercise
Girls who are actively exercising have the possibility of first menstruation will last longer. This usually happens to ballerinas, runners or other athletes. Therefore, excessive exercise can cause the fat and calories your body needs to be reduced, thereby reducing fertility hormones.
Taking medicine or herbal concoctions
Several types of drugs that can affect fertility hormones, including antidepressant drugs and allergic drugs. In addition, herbal concoctions such as herbs can also have an effect. So, from now on pay attention to the ingredients in herbal medicine that might be consumed by Mother's daughter huh.
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